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Showing posts from 2010

New Sermon Series: Commencement

On May 23 we will honor our graduating seniors. In preparing my message for that morning I realized I had more to say than could fit in one sermon (even one of mine!). So, starting on May 16, we will have three sermons on commencement: answering the call to be in but not of the world. I will ask three questions I think are vital for those who intend to spend any amount of time engaged with the unbelieving world, either on the college campus or in the workplace. Here are the three questions: May 16: Do you have a story of your own? May 23: Are you capable of living for someone other than yourself? May 30: Are you interested in giving your life to something larger than your hopes and dreams? The answers to these questions could determine how the unbelieving world responds to us and the person we claim to worship.

FBC Rockport in the Spring of 2010

Our strategic plan called for a lot of action in 2010. While we are not meeting all the anticipated deadlines, we are at work on a number of important and exciting things. In the midst of this activity we can see the Lord producing fruit as we seek to accomplish His purpose for our church. In fact, there is so much going on that it is possible to miss the forest for the trees, so to speak. So I have put together some information here that will hopefully allow you to get an overview of all that God is doing at FBC Rockport. Worship · In 2010 I have preached through the book of 1Timothy, and we are winding down our series on “Family Dynamics.” After Mother’s Day I will begin a new series called “Commencement,” which will be for our graduates and for every Christian who wants to follow our Lord to be in but not of the world. This summer I will preach through the book of Romans. · Attendance so far in 2010 peaked at 900 on Easter Sunday. We are back to a re...

10 Questions to Answer Prayerfully in God's Presence

As 2010 begins, many of us are prayerfully looking forward to what God will do in our lives, families, churches, and communities in the new year. I emphasized in December how important it was that we not miss God when He speaks, acts, and moves in us and around us. So here are ten questions to pray over, meditate on, and then answer in God's presence. These questions are to help us connect with God's movement in our lives in the coming year. If God leads you to some answers to your questions, and you would like for me to pray with you about these things, please let me know! Here are the questions: 1. What's one thing you could do this year to increase your enjoyment of God? 2. What the most humanly impossible thing you will ask God to do this year? 3. What's the single most important thing you could do to improve the quality of your family life this year? 4. In which spiritual discipline do you most want to make progress this year, and what will you do about it? 5....