If you haven't read Dale Pogue's blog entry for today (June 17), be sure to give it peek. You can find it at www.dalepogue.com. I know many of us have been praying for Dale during the past several days as he has recovered from his heart attack and subsequent heart cath. First Charles Fake moved to Houston, then Walter Knight passed away, then Dale gave everybody a scare - all the ministers I have looked forward to getting to know are endangered, it seems. I told Allen Ray and Gaines they needed to get physicals ASAP and discuss the results with me. I don't want any more surprises.
VBS here at First Baptist was truly wonderful. I can't say enough how blessed I am by all that God has done here in our church. Thanks to Gayle and Margo and all the adult and youth leaders who worked so hard to see the Lord do something special in our children. We are still trying to survey all the "damage," but here are some things we know so far:
- 229 children enrolled
- 195 average attendance
- 62 workers
- $1500 raised for South Texas Children's Home
- 16 professions of faith so far (Three baptisms scheduled for this Sunday morning)
- 20 gallons of lemonade made each day
Angela Scott emailed me this morning and asked if I might put the video on the blog or on the church website. I'll see what I can do as I have time today. If you want your own copy you can order one through the church office.
We sent our youth to camp yesterday morning. Please pray for them while they are away. There are 80 total who went from our church - 65 youth, 10 adults, and 5 children. They will give a report in the Sunday evening worship service this coming Sunday. Continue to pray also for our Youth Minister Search Committee as they are now well underway in their process for discovering the person the Lord has called to be our next Youth Minister.
I have had several comments on my sermon from Sunday to our men. I am not sure why preachers tend to go so easy on Mother's Day and then nuke the men on Father's Day. It was suggested to me yesterday that my sermon was more of a Mother's Day sermon, because it was exactly what so many women wanted their men to hear and take to heart. I may keep that in mind for next year and speak to the men on Mother's Day and the ladies on Father's Day.
This coming Sunday we will celebrate the Lord's Supper in both morning worship services. I will not be preaching, but the music and scripture readings will help us to focus on the body and the blood of Jesus Christ. Both services should be very special, and you might consider staying for both. The next Sunday Kim, Michael and I will be in Mexico for Kim's sister's wedding. This was something I wouldn't miss for anything, and I appreciate Gaines filling in for me. We will pick up Jeremiah's story the first Sunday in July.