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Where have you been?

OK, so I confess that since Hurricane Ike I have had little time to update my blog. But I haven't been goofing off either. Let's sum up things going on...

Here is a snapshot of life at FBC Rockport:
  • The Winter Texans are making their way back into town these days and it is good to see so many familiar faces. Welcome back everybody!
  • We have started two new adult Sunday School classes this year, and both are doing well.
  • We have baptized 25 people so far in 2008. I baptized 15 of those, and more than half of the folks I baptized have been adults. The ones I didn't baptize were mostly students baptized by Ray.
  • There are SEVERAL adult Bible Studies offered throughout the week. I am especially excited about the one for men on Thursday nights called "Wild at Heart."
  • AWANA has started off well, averaging just over 60 children at the start. We have folks driving the church van to pick up children who otherwise wouldn't be able to come. We need as many adults as we can get to serve as "listeners" as the children recite scripture.
  • Children's Choir and Faith Weavers is now offered on Wednesday nights for our children. I am told we had 27 children there last week.
  • We have the new Baptist Hymnals in our pews now and Allen Ray is learning about all the features so he can utilize them to their greatest potential in worship.
  • The Music Ministry has begun working on the Christmas musical. It won't be long until Christmas!
  • Just a few years ago the church debt was well over $1 million. Now all that remains is $31,381.74. Can anyone smell a note burning?
  • The Youth Minister Search Committee has been working hard and is making good progress. In the meantime, the student ministry continues to remain strong.
  • The teenagers have turned their attention to various local mission projects in addition to regularly helping South Texas Children's Home.
  • We have sent missionaries to Columbia, Germany, and Ukraine this year, not to mention those serving in the Houston-Galveston area after Hurricane Ike.
  • We are in the process of collecting budget requests for 2009, and early indications are that people anticipate the Lord stretching us and expanding our ministries. If that is true, we can expect a very challenging budget for 2009.
  • We have now begun our Strategic Planning Process. We are in the Discovery Stage right now, and FBC Discovery Night is October 19 from 4-6 p.m. Don't miss out!

All in all, these are very exciting times for us! We are truly blessed in so many ways, and I feel very blessed to be the pastor of this congregation.


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