We are still awaiting for Kathryn to indicate that she is ready to emerge. Kim has the nursery ready, Michael has helped her finish all the thank you notes, and so we wait. Some men from our church came and helped my father put together a swingset/slide/fort for Michael while I was away at school last week. He has been too busy playing to be impatient for his little sister to show.
And it is just as well. Our Vacation Bible School is this week. On our second night, a Monday, we had 218 children, another 15-20 in the nursery, plus about 110 or so adult and youth workers. All I can say is that I am glad I am not in charge. I am so thankful for Gayle and for her love of Jesus, our children, and for all our workers. She has done an amazing job. So have all the adults and students who have put this thing together. It is a wonderful thing to behold.
Technically I have finished my first term for school, but I still have four books to read and write critical reviews on before I am done for the summer. It will likely take me all summer to get these books read, so essentially I do not have a summer break. But no worries. I gave myself a treat this morning and went fishing for a few hours out in the bay. I caught a 21 inch trout. Here are the pictures to prove it: