Those of you who know me know that I am not a believer in Bigfoot, and never will be. I admit I am not able to explain the impressive body of physical evidence collected over the years that people use to "prove" the existence of Bigfoot. There are a lot of things in this world I am not able to explain and I don't lose sleep at night, nor do I fear camping in the woods because of Sasquatch; javalinas, maybe coyotes, but not Sasquatch. I admit that those of you who are eyewitnesses to Bigfoot have experienced SOMETHING, but I don't know what. As I have always said, if Bigfoot did live in Texas, one of you would have killed one by now and we would have eaten it at our Wednesday night meals. Chicken-Fried Bigfoot. (It helps to marinate the big foot in buttermilk for 24 hours before frying)
It turns out that I was right about Bigfoot not being in Texas! He's been in Georgia all along, and now our friends at the Bigfoot Research Society say that at a press conference in California on Friday, August 15, they will reveal the remains of Bigfoot to the world as well as the results of scientific DNA testing. Hoo Boy! I can't wait.
The McCraws, ever the alert church members, sent me this link to Fox News where you can read the story and find links to another website with photos of the alleged remains in a freezer. See it for yourself and tell me what you think. Here's the link...
As always, you may have to copy and paste the link into your web browser's thingamadoo.
I'm not a prophet, or the son of a prophet, but I can almost guarantee you that the DNA results will be inconclusive, perhaps strongly suggesting this or that, but not solving anything. Then the remains and all physical evidence will mysteriously disappear (stolen by Elvis, of course, with the help of JFK and those who staged the "moon landing") and the furor will rage on for decades on the Internet, becoming yet another entertaining chapter in Bigfoot lore.
I want to believe. Maybe I will once I've had a satisfying bowl of Bigfoot Chili.